Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Penny Save-her

Once a week we get this little circular in the mail called the Penny Saver. Usually it is chock full of typos. This week, the typos weren't as frequent. Perhaps somehow they sensed that I would be blogging about them. Still, I found a few to share with you. Enjoy.

This first ad didn't have a typo, but I enjoyed one of their phrases.

Gospel Bluegrass Concert
Featured on Saturday, August 20, 2005, at First Baptist Church of Fair Oaks. Adults $16.00 - Seniors $15.00 - CBA Members $9.00 - Teens and Kids are Free, at Christian Book Center.

(I have three of them already. I'm not going to get more even if they are free.)

Dog, Junior:
I'm a 6 1/2 month-old Shepherd/Collie mix boy. Neutered, up to date on al shots.

(What are al shots? Does the guy from "Happy Days" or the guy from "Quantum Leap" administer them?)
2-Male Cats
To Good Home, Both Neutered and Loving. There both 1 year old.

(This person probably used spell check. Unfortunately it won't replace knowing which (there, their, they're) to use.)
LAMPCHOP. 3 Sherry lewis videos. 3 High quilaity puppets.

(Okay, spell check can be useful sometimes.)
Desktop & Labtop
Windows -XP, Dvd/Cd, Burner, 17" Monitor

(I have a lap, but I do not have a lab. Guess this computer is not for me.)
This next ad had a listing of different kinds of furniture for sale. I am listing my favorite item.

Microfiber Sofa and Love - Sacrifice $699.

(See you can buy love. It costs $699.)
There were a few people that thought in order to make a word plural you added an "s" and an apostrophe

Sofa & Loveseat. Beige background with small red rose's.
Dining Room Set. Table and 4 Chair and two extra leaf's.

(Pass the beer nut's, please.)
The next ad had no typo. It was for a drywall company. If I needed drywall work done, I'd call them. Their company name was...


(Yeah, baby mix that mud!)
Okay, done for the night! I'm probably giving ewe awl the impression that eye have way two much thyme on my hands.


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