Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Poking My Head Out

I've added two more blogs to my reading list. They're not at the end of my list though. Since I had some blogs in the middle I wasn't getting to, and I was too lazy to re-write the HTML I put the new blogs in place of the old ones.

I really stink at the whole HTML thing, quite badly.

I added "I am the Bookworm". She's my fourth librarian. I'm a librarian collector now! Go check her out and say hi. That's an order.

I also added My Float. I know many of you know who she is and knew long before I did. If you don't know her, she's a Mom of an almost three-year old boy. And he says some funny stuff.

I enjoy every blog that I have linked. They are all so varied and all of them have something to offer. I've never met a blog I didn't like. Well there was that one with naked people doing things best left in the bedroom, but other than that...

Warning - Mundane Post Ahead

My husband and I had our 11th anniversary on the 7th, but we couldn't get a sitter until the 13th. So last weekend was our belated anniversary dinner/movie.

Back in 1995, when we were so eager to get married, I wish I had realized that we would always be broke on our anniversary due to CHRISTMAS!

The end of April would have been a good time to get hitched. Ah, of course hindsight is 20/20.

But I digress.

We ate dinner first at a Mexican restaurant. It has become our restaurant of choice. The food is exceptional but the restaurant is never overcrowded. The lack of crowds is probably because it isn't in the "cool" part of town where all the nightlife migrates. Sometimes it's great not to be cool, a point I would have argued in high school.

We had strawberry margaritas with dinner. They were so good that I could barely taste the alcohol, but was already buzzed by the time the glass was half empty. (Half-empty, I must be a pessimist.)

We then went to the movie theater. The movie showing the soonest was Alpha Dog, so we chose that. The last time I saw an adult movie at the theater was Matrix III, big piece of crap that it was. It figures that by the time we get to go again, nothing good is playing.

Alpha Dog was surprisingly funny in parts, but it was overall a very disturbing movie (to me) and I had nightmares for two nights after seeing it.

This is why I generally don't review books or movies. My reviews suck!

On Sunday I finished reading Water for Elephants, which was reccomended by the lovely Babelbabe at Behind the Stove. READ IT! You won't regret it.

I am also trying to find a health club that doesn't want (cough, wheeze) at least fifty bucks a month. Good golly Miss Molly.

I don't want to go to Curves again. That's where I developed tennis elbow.

And now I think I will sneak to bed, my gloriously empty bed with nobody else in it, FOR NOW!


Blogger Bec said...

Happy Anniversary! Ours is on the day after Valentines Day, which is about the time the Christmas Amex bill has to be paid... I feel your pain!

8:32 PM  
Blogger Bec said...

ps - Good choice! My Float is a friend of mine in real life and is wonderful in her blog and 10 times better in reality: one of the most generous and beautiful people you could ever hope to meet!

8:34 PM  
Blogger Bearette said...

Happy Anniversary! i had a feeling alpha dog would be bad. justin timberlake and sharon stone in the same movie ?!?!?

9:25 PM  
Blogger MsCellania said...

Our anniversary is St. Paddy's Day, which is easy to remember. We never have any money then, either.
This year we have free movie tickets and free babysitting, so maybe we can spring for dinner and have an actual dinner/movie date.
Enjoy you big bed all to yourself!

10:32 PM  
Blogger Sarah Louise said...

Happy Anniversary!! My good friend just had her 10th last week and she and I went out for dinner the night before and she said to me (one of her bridesmaids for said event) remember what we were doing 10 years ago? And I said, having a huge fight? LOL.

That Mexican place sounds nice. I like places that aren't too crowded. And I think I've visited My Float before, but now that YOU have linked it, I may look more often.

--signed, one of your librarians...

oh, and your review for Alpha Dog is enough to put it on my NO NO NO list. I saw Justin T. interviewed on Leno and sometimes that's enough to push me over the edge to watch a movie I think I wouldn't like.

4:55 AM  
Blogger Roxanne said...

I didn't realize they had tennis courts at Curves. ;)

I want to see Alpha Dog...even if it is disturbing it'll give me an excuse to drool over my Justin....even if he is killing people (which I'm guessing from the previews).

4:59 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Roxanne and Justin, sitting in a tree... :)

Happy anniversary, Carolyn. Do you mean that you're only going to bed for now, or that the bed is only empty for now, as in you are anticipating some exciting company?

7:06 AM  
Blogger verniciousknids said...


Happy Anniversary!

7:35 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

YEAH our 44th Anniv. is the 26th. and I am taking the day off. If your fil is real nice I may celebrate with him, otherwise it will be your mom. Hehehenhehe.
After 44 years staying awake til 10 pm is a major accomplishment.

9:56 AM  
Blogger Joke said...

I think you're a librarian groupie.


10:49 AM  
Blogger Caro said...

Bec - My birthday falls on the same day as your anniversary.

Bearette - I don't know if I would call it "bad." I very much like movies with happy endings and it didn't have one.

Mscellania - St. Paddy's day, did you guys get married in green? :)

SL - You might like the movie. While it was disturbing, it wasn't an awful movie. I did see at least four naked tushies and three sex scenes in it, so if that bugs you...

Roxanne - There were some funny parts in the movie.

Liz - LOL. I meant I would have the bed to myself before SJ moved in on my turf. :P

Vernicious - Thank you.

MR - Ah the 26th. I need to write it on my calendar.

10:50 AM  
Blogger Caro said...

Joke - You know it!

10:51 AM  
Blogger Paula said...

Happy Anniversary!

You should have a half-iversary celebration in June!

12:48 PM  
Blogger Caro said...

Paula - What a great idea.

1:15 PM  
Blogger Iamthebookworm said...

Happry anniversary and thanks for the intro! And the book recommendation.

From your fourth librarian,

6:34 PM  
Blogger MsCellania said...

YES! I did wear green-accidently. It was the only long gown I had that had room for the bun in the oven! I didn't have time to go shopping - I still have the dress. I should send you a snap of it. It's pretty - but definitely green. Made in India, but not too hippie.
I think. Hell what do I know, that was 9 years ago! I had hysterics during the ceremony, so badly that the Minister (a dear friend of ours) cut the ceremony Very Short. She went from reading Kahlil Gibran, to practically yelling "I NOW PRONOUNCE YOU HUSBAND AND WIFE! DOES ANYONE HAVE ANY MORE TISSUES!"

9:14 PM  
Blogger Sarah Louise said...

Still chuckling over MsCell's story, but truly, Caro, I trust your review on Alpha Dog. I walked out of Memento. I don't do disturbing when it comes to movies.

6:02 AM  
Blogger Michelle said...

Happy Anniversary!! Strawberry margharitas sound good tome about now....yum!! hehe

Have you checked into the YMCA? Maybe they offer an inexpensive gym membership?? Finding a place you like and feel comfortable is key. I joined the "Fit Zone for WOmen". It's $40/month but it's only for women so no steroid taking men pumping iron around to intimidate me. They also offer different classes (yoga, low impact aerobics, kickboxing, etc) that are included in the monthly fee....so thats a plus.

GOod luck in the search! :)

7:25 AM  
Blogger Gingers Mom said...

Water for Elephants. I saw that on Amazon and thought about reading it. Maybe I'll have to give it another look.
Our anniversary is Dec 29. We are always poor too. But getting liquored up on margaritas is always a great idea. Hope you got lucky!

3:58 PM  
Blogger Paula said...

Hey! You should poke your head out more often. I'm just sayin'.

1:07 PM  
Blogger Mz.Elle said...

I liked your review! Too the point,you told me exactly what I wanted to know,lol
I'm easily affected by movies like that,so thanks for the heads up!
I'm glad you got to go out:)

1:53 PM  
Blogger molly said...

I'm in the middle of Water for Elephants and loving it!Would tell you how I got here but it was a convoluted path and my memory is going, going, go...maybe it was Velcro?

7:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not to mention paying for and putting on a wedding right after Christmas.

You know who

5:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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7:49 AM  
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3:05 PM  

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