Saturday, August 16, 2008

Back To School Time

Both of the younger children start school Monday. To say I am thrilled is an understatement. One would think I'm in a Broadway musical the way I'm dancing around.

They have been running around the house for the last two weeks, screeching and fighting like a pair of rabid badgers. Taking them to the park to let them burn off energy hasn't been working. They are plainly tired of the lack of routine and these four walls. If the teachers knew what was coming their way, they would probably go on strike.

We went today to see which class Azure was in. Every year the school waits until the very last minute to post this information. We found her room number and walked to the door. The supply list was hanging on the door and the door was also ajar. Her new teacher just happened to be in.

This is the first teacher I have loved on sight. She had bleached blonde ratted hair, very eighties. She was wearing blue eyeshadow and jeans. She also gave off a very mellow vibe, probably the way she keeps her sanity dealing with a room of fourth graders.

Sammy ran up to her and hugged her and promptly said, "Save me from my Mom."

Thanks kid!

Way to make a first impression.
The kids each have one new first day of school outfit. Other than that I only did the necessary shopping. Azure needed new shoes, underwear and (gasp) itty-bitty bras.

Sammy's new outfit for the first day is ultra cool. I purchased him some little black shorts with white skulls on them since he is so very bad to the bone. Heh heh.

Azure actually let me get her a feminine outfit for the first day, a long shirt and leggings. Be still my beating heart, it didn't have a blasted dragon on it.
I stocked up at the grocery store for lunch stuff. The kids have carrot sticks, apples and blueberries to go with their sandwiches. I am making some vegan ranch dressing for Sammy to dip his carrot sticks in. I also purchased some avacados to make him some guacamole, one of his favorite treats.

Let's see how long I can go this year packing healthy stuff before I give up and throw in some chips.

Baking bread for Sammy's lunch is even harder now as we have found out he is allergic to egg in addition to wheat and dairy. Thank goodness for soy and peanut butter!
Tomorrow I will be picking up school supplies, washing laundry and getting completely ready for Monday.

School sweet school. Kids might hate it but I adore it.


Blogger Undomestic said...

Ours doesn't start until after Labor day. Good luck getting it all together. How wonderful for you!!!!!...and it will be great for the kids as well I'm sure.

9:25 PM  
Blogger Chris H said...

I hear ya baby! School. thank. god. it's. COMPULSORY.

9:38 PM  
Blogger Caro said...

Cari - I'll need all the luck I can get. I'm so disorganized it's pathetic.

Chris H - I hope to never have to homeschool. Cross fingers for my boy.

10:56 PM  
Blogger MsCellania said...

Ours starts Tuesday and the kids AND I are excited about it.

Glad you're planning nutritious lunches. Post them - I'll copy what you do!

8:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hee,I'm laughing at your love of A's new teacher and her obvious affection for her too.
You've got lots of great snacks planned out! Devon is taking pb&j and that's if he's lucky!

10:10 PM  
Blogger Caro said...

Mscellania - I'm not sure how nutritious they are. I'm just trying to go beyond chips and a cookie. :-)

Lael - When we got home all she could talk about was how much she liked her teacher's hair. It was totally fried, too funny. But that's why I liked her too, she seemed as imperfect as I am. Birds of a feather and all that.

8:34 AM  

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